I grew up with a dad that preached GA, which stands for Good Attitude. From the time I could walk, I heard the necessity of an attitude that saw life through a positive lens. The number of times that I was reminded to change my outlook, mood or word choice equates to a very large figure. As a parent, I wonder why my dad did not make a recording that chanted his mantra. It would have saved many a lecture.
While I certainly don't always embrace GA as a way of life, I have a still small voice in my heart that speaks (and sometimes screams) at me when my mind wanders to negative places. Keeping my heart out of negativity land is a challenge.
While I don't always master the art of GA, I have taught the term and goal to my girls. As they are much like their mom, sometimes we see their GA shine. Sometimes, well, we don't. Today was not one of those days. Matter of fact, today was one of those days where my kiddo taught ME about GA. When things were less than ideal in her swim world, she had a GREAT attitude. She was disappointed, complete with a purple devil emoji sent from the pool deck. But, in the midst of the challenge, she made a choice to have a GA. She made the best of the situation that she was dealt and camera in hand, chose to support her teammates and with a genuine smile on her face. She had a great GA day.
My dad has given me the foundation and belief that our attitude and outlook matter. My kids are living that out in front of my eyes. I'm thankful for both ends of the generational spectrum that teach me everyday how to live into the values that I hold dear.
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