Monday, April 3, 2017

One Shining Moment

In my household, we are slightly competitive. There is no need for athletic ability to have a fierce competitive streak. I am living proof of this. I can go for blood in everything from Nerts to the ABC game on a road trip. I take winning very seriously.

For 20 years, Lucas and I have filled out our March Madness brackets with intensity.  I know that a 5/12 matchup is dangerous. I know that Duke will let me down, and yet I still pick them. It doesn't matter if my beloved Baylor is in the tournament, in the name of a bracket will, I will forsake all green and gold loyalty. I just hate to lose.

When we were newly married, We would bet for bragging rights because there was not prize money available. When the kids were little, we bet middle of the night duty. There was a season that included a month of your chore of choice duty. These last few years have been a bit more challenging. What does it take to get us fired up after all of these years?

Well, this year the bet was for pride. The winner gets to pick the locale of our next couple's getaway. This is my turf. I am the vacation planner. It is my JOB in this family to plan all trips. If you don't know this about us, let me assure you that we would not choose the same vacation destination. Ever. I want to explore a city. Lucas wants to ride the best mountain bike trails in the country. I want to eat a new fancy restaurant, Lucas wants to avoid wearing long pants at all cost.

So, the game is over. The brackets are complete. The winner has been declared. And "One Shining Moment" is about to play. Another year of trash talk has been completed. I love this song every year, and I watch with the dork tears that only a sports fan can appreciate. The most amazing shots will be remembered. The thrill of the Cinderella will be celebrated. And I will watch through the lens of my heart.

But the real question is, who has bragging rights? I know you all want to know. Who will be listed as the Hilbrich Household Champion for 2017? I tip my hat and ask, Lucas, where are we headed?

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